Please be as brutally honest as you are able!

Please enter your Name:

Please Enter your email address:

Please enter the name of your school:

Please enter your status, for example University Professor:

1) Do you recognise recurring problems with your students? In other words, do you find that, even though you use several different approaches, some students continue to have difficulty with one area of English or another? Please explain.

2) How do you feel a web site may help you overcome these problems? (Pretend it is a fantasy site at this point. Do not be concerned if you are unfamiliar with computers and software. Do not worry that you will suggest something that is impractical.)

3) If you were given free reign, with unlimited resources, to develop a software package or a website for your classroom use, what would you have built? What content would you like included? What aims and objectives would the package/site have? How would you like it to engage the students? What would you like the package/site to do, as a teacher and/or as a student? Please be as descriptive as possible.

4) What do you see as the most tiresome, or most annoying, part of your job? Do you think a computer software package or a website could assist you in making this part of your job easier? How?

If it would not be inconvenient for you, I may like to contact you later on in my project. Would you mind giving me a way in which to contact you.

If you think of anything else that you would like to add, please do not hesitate to contact me about it.
Type any comments you might have:

Thank You!

Contact me at:



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