Sam Neill: The Unofficial, Incomplete Biography

by Elizabeth Donnelly


This work was compiled from interviews Sam has given in the past to various media: radio, television, and magazine interviews. Sam also graciously personally answered many questions and commented on the writing. Other information was obtained from people close to Sam. Special thanks goes out to Geoffrey Eathorne, Chriss Green and of course, Sam himself. I have personally put many hours into this work and would like persons reading it to remember this and refrain from plagiarising from it. Linking to the page is acceptable, but I would appreciate knowing where.



I would like to dedicate this book to the memory of my mother, Dorothy McDowell. She trained me in the ways of true, strong women, with the ability to believe in myself and gain self-confidence without the need to belittle others who are somehow different to myself. Consequently, my opinion of others is based upon what is within rather than what is without. I love you, Mom.


Obligatory disclaimer: Although the contents of this biography have been verified as accurate by Mr. Sam Neill, the information was compiled and written by Lisa Donnelly. In other words, this biography should in no way be construed as an official statement from Mr. Neill.


To access the complete biography as a single page, go to:



If you prefer, you may access a single chapter at a time:




The Beginning

Chapter 1: Sam's Early Years

Chapter 2: Teen and University Years

Chapter 3: Early Film Career

Chapter 4: Sam Crosses the Atlantic

Chapter 5: The Roaring Nineties

Chapter 6: Jurassic Sam

Chapter 7: Life After Jurassic Park

Chapter 8: Sam Today



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