This is a website devoted to bringing a ray of hope and light into the hearts of Developmental English teachers, as well
as their long-suffering students. Although aimed specifically at Developmental English teachers, this site also contains resources
for Adult Basic Skills tutors and their students, including resources pertaining to learning problems. I have tried to include
items which would be of interest to Teaching Assistants working on their own degrees, tutors working with students who need
help with the very basics of English, and teachers already in the field who are looking for new ideas or resources.
have been both a Developmental English teacher and a Literacy volunteer, and so I can truly empathize with the problems these
saintly teachers bear on a daily basis. I remember being completely scared stiff before I was about to teach my first class.
I had no background in teaching, and while I felt confident about my knowledge of English, I was not so confident in my ability
to teach that knowledge to another. I would have loved to have had a resource such as this to help me through that first semester
of teaching.
This and That:
What I am reading at the minute: Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution--and How It Can
Renew America by Thomas L. Friedman
In Memoriam: Robert Asprin (1946-2008)
On May 22, 2008, Bob passed away quietly in his home in
New Orleans, LA. He had been in good spirits and working
on several new projects, and was set to be the Guest of Honor
at a major science fiction convention that very weekend.
He is survived by his mother, his sister, his daughter and his
son, and his cat, Princess, not to mention countless friends and fans and numerous legendary fictional characters.
He will be greatly missed.
Sherrilyn Kenyon's new one telling Acheron's story was amazing -- possibly her best. How will she ever top it???

I am a graduate student in juvenile justice, currently working on my thesis.
If anyone out there would like to help by answering a few questions, please feel free.
I am researching dyslexic students and their feelings about school,
family, friends and their disability.
Even if you are out of school, you can tell about your school experiences in the past.

Check out the Quotables page. Wish I'd said that!
You can access my teaching philosophy here.